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The PERFORM Academy
Week 1: Welcome to Perform
W1: Welcome to Perform (3:44)
W1: Assignment: Self-Introduction
Week 2: Purpose & Values
W2: The Pillars of a Strong Culture (6:20)
W2: When to Start? (4:31)
W2: The Power of a Strong Culture (5:57)
W2: The SWG Startup Journey (7:22)
W2: Assignment: Team Values
Week 3: Effective Planning
W3: The Importance of Planning (7:06)
W3: The Power of Aiming High (7:31)
W3: Strategic Planning Tools (8:53)
W3: PERFORM Planning Method (7:36)
W3: Assignment: OKR's (0:53)
Week 4: Roles & Responsibilities
W4: Definitions and Team Size (4:50)
W4: Growing Your Team (4:50)
W4: Scaling and Evolution of Roles (6:55)
W4: Assignment: Map of Responsibilities
Week 5: Focus & Execution
W5: Understanding Focus & Execution (7:36)
W5: The 5 Villains of Focus & Execution (6:19)
W5: The Shiny Object Syndrome and Procrastination (7:31)
W5: Multitasking and Perfectionism (7:37)
W5: Assignment: The 5 Villains of Focus & Execution
Week 6: Optimal energy
LIVE lecture (47:59)
(Optional) Optimal Energy Podcast Panel Episode (2:04)
Week 7: Robust Communication
W7: The Basics of RC (6:02)
W7: Leader's Communication Style (4:35)
W7: Never Enough Communication (3:50)
W7: Providing Feedback (5:32)
W7: Receiving Feedback (4:51)
W7: Feedback Holistic Strategy (5:54)
(Optional) Robust Communication Podcast Panel Episode (7:48)
Module Feedback
Week 8: Mental toughness
W8: What is Mental Toughness? (6:44)
W8: Understanding Stress (5:06)
W8: The 7 Stressors of a Founder (7:14)
W8: Mastering your Mental State (8:19)
(Optional) Mental Toughness Podcast Panel Episode (4:15)
W7: The Basics of RC
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